1-6 // Even More Awkward Dates
One can never have enough of those, apparently. So we've seen what Masaru and Viola got up to on Spooky Day. But do you really think the resident social butterfly was going to just stay at home all day on a holiday? Skylar scheduled a party at the festival grounds and invited as many people as he possibly could. Which, as a note, was nowhere even close to everyone he knew. He knows a lot of people. Including Astrid Pertridge-Anderson, who continues to stalk my sims despite now having a husband she could be spending time with. On a side note, with the Nraas story progression, everyone who gets married picks up a double surname. Which is kinda cool sometimes, but I gotta ask - what happens when their kids start getting married? Will I be getting quadruple surnames? I feel like this has the potential to get out of hand really quickly. Anyway. Skylar did just about everything the festival had to offer this late at night. The haunted house... The honestly disgusting pie eati...